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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

사용자 삽입 이미지

1991년 서울 신월동 반지하 방에서 탄생한 팬택. 자본금 사천만원 직원 6명으로 출발한 회사이다. 무선호출기 업체였던 팬택은 97년부터 휴대전화를 생산했고, 98년 모토로라 OEM 휴대전화 납품, 2001년 현대큐리텔 인수, 2005년 SK 텔레텍 인수로 국내 시장점유율 20%를 달성했다. 박병엽 부회장의 친화력과 순발력으로 주목받았으나 2004년 대우종합기계 (현 두산인프라코아) 인수 실패와 SK 텔레텍 인수후 저조한 실적으로 2006년 12월 워크아웃을 신청했다.

2005년 9월 엑센츄어가 작성한 보고서는 다음과 같은 7가지 위험을 지적했다.

1. 시너지 창출 실패
업무 중복과 비효율
계열사간 개별 문화 고집과 정보 공유 부재

2.영업이익 감소
원가경쟁력 상실, 판매가 하락, 연구개발비용 증가

3. 상품화 전략 미흤
고유의 모델 부재

4. 고품질 제품의 적시 개발 실패

5. 마케팅 영업 전략 실패
자가 브랜드 미약

6. 고객 서비스 수준 저하

7. 제품 품질 저하

* 참고자료
이코노미스트 2007. 5. 1일자
사용자 삽입 이미지

Posted by wizysl
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아카데미 오스카 시상식 후보79th


<블러드 다이아몬드> 레오나르도 디카프리오

<하프 넬슨> 라이언 고슬링

<비너스> 피터 오툴

<행복을 찾아서> 윌 스미스

<라스트 킹> 포레스트 휘테커


<미스 리틀 선샤인> 알란 아킨

<리틀 칠드런> 재키 얼리 할레이

<블러드 다이아몬드> 디지몬 혼수

<드림걸즈> 에디 머피

<디파티드> 마크 월버그


<귀향> 페넬로페 크루즈

<노트 온 스캔들> 주디 덴치

<더 퀸> 헬렌 미렌

<악마는 프라다를 입는다> 메릴 스트립

<리틀 칠드런> 케이트 윈슬렛


<바벨> 아드리안나 바라자

<노트 온 스캔들> 케이트 블랑쉐

<미스 리틀 선샤인> 아비게일 브레스린

<드림걸즈> 제니퍼 허드슨

<바벨> 키쿠치 린코



<해피 피트>

<몬스터 하우스>


<판의 미로>


<블랙 달리아>

<칠드런 오브 맨>


<판의 미로>


<악마는 프라다를 입는다>


<마리 앙또아네뜨>

<더 퀸>
<바벨> 알레한드로 곤잘레스 이냐리투

<디파티드> 마틴 스콜세지

<이오지마로부터 온 편지> 클린트 이스트우드

<더 퀸> 스티븐 프리어스

<플라이트 93> 폴 그린그래스
<딜리버 어스 프롬 이블>

<불편한 진실>

<이라크 인 프래그먼츠>

<지저스 캠프>

<마이 컨트리, 마이 컨트리>
<양쯔강의 에이즈 고아>

<재활용 인생>



<블러드 다이아몬드>

<칠드런 오브 맨>


<플라이트 93>
덴마크 <결혼 후>

알제리 <영광의 날들>

독일 <타인의 삶>

멕시코 <판의 미로>

캐나다 <워터>


<판의 미로>


<굿 절맨>

<노트 온 스캔들>

<판의 미로>

<더 퀸>

<드림걸즈> Listen

<드림걸즈> Love You I Do

<드림걸즈> Patience

<불편한 진실> I Need To Wake Up

<카> Our Town


<이오지마로부터 온 편지>

<미스 리틀 선샤인>

<더 퀸>
<덴마크 시인>


<리틀 매치걸>
<노 타임 포 너츠>
<빈타 앤 더 그레이트 아이디어>
<에라모스 포코스>

<헬머와 아들>
<웨스트 뱅크 스토리>


<블러드 다이아몬드>

<아버지의 깃발>

<이오지마로부터 온 편지>

<캐리비안의 해적-망자의함>

<블러드 다이아몬드>


<아버지의 깃발>

<캐리비안의 해적- 망자의함>
<캐리비안의 해적-망자의함>


<슈퍼맨 리턴즈>

<칠드런 오브 맨>


<리틀 칠드런>

<노트 온 스캔들>


<이오지마로부터 온 편지>

<미스 리틀 선샤인>

<판의 미로>

<더 퀸>

Posted by wizysl
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FPS (first-person shooter) 게임은 id 사의 doom으로 대표되는 게임 장르를 말한다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

Posted by wizysl
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10 Most Successful Web 2.0 Startups To Date (April 2007)

1. MySpace
2. YouTube
3. FaceBook
4. Wikipedia
5. Bebo
6. Digg
7. Flickr
8. Netvibes
9. Del.icio.us
10. Meebo

(1) MySpace

Launched: July 2003
Founded by: Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe
Type: Social Network
Targeted Audience: 16 - 24 (teens, young adults)
Approximate Users: 150 million (100 million as of August 2006; growing at around 200,000 registrations per day)
Approximate Pageviews: 40 billion per month (as of March 2007)
Acquisition/Valuation: Bought by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Interactive Media in July 2005 for $580 million

(2) YouTube

Launched: February 2005
Founded by: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim
Type: Video Sharing
Targeted Audience: 16 - 40 (teens, adults)
Approximate Users: Unknown
Approximate Pageviews: 4 billion per month (as of July 2006, serving 100 million videos per day)
Acquisition/Valuation: Bought by Google in October 2006 for $1.6 billion

(3) Facebook

Launched: February 2004
Founded by: Mark Zuckerberg
Type: Social Network
Targeted Audience: 20 - 25 (college students), this is changing since they have opened up
Approximate Users: 18 million (as of February 2007)
Approximate Pageviews: 22 billion per month (as of December 2006)
Acquisition/Valuation: Rejected $1 billion offer from Yahoo! in September 2006, asking for $2 billion

(4) Wikipedia

Launched: January 2001
Founded by: Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger
Type: Wiki-based Encyclopedia
Targeted Audience: 10 - 80 (general)
Approximate Users: 50,000 active users (as of January 2006)
Approximate Pageviews: 6 billion per month (as of February 2007)
Acquisition/Valuation: Non-profit, has raised over $3 million in donations

(5) Bebo

Launched: January 2005
Founded by: Michael Birch and Xochi Birch
Type: Social Network
Targeted Audience: 16 - 24 (teens, young adults)
Approximate Users: 24 million (as of May 2006)
Approximate Pageviews: 4 billion per month (as of October 2006)
Acquisition/Valuation: Rejected $500 million offer from British Telecom Group, asking for $1 billion

(6) Digg

Launched: November 2004
Founded by: Kevin Rose
Type: Social Content Bookmarking/Voting
Targeted Audience: 16 - 30 (teens, adults; technology-savvy)
Approximate Users: 1 million
Approximate Pageviews: 118 million per month (as of 2006)
Acquisition/Valuation: Rumored to have been in negotiations with Fox Interactive/Newscorp, asking for $150 million

(7) Flickr

Launched: February 2004
Founded by: Ludicorp
Type: Photo Sharing
Targeted Audience: 16 - 80 (general)
Approximate Users: 1.5 million (as of November 2005)
Approximate Pageviews: Unknown
Acquisition/Valuation: Bought by Yahoo! in March 2005 for an undisclosed price estimated in the lower tens of millions.

(8) Netvibes

Launched: September 2005
Founded by: Tariq Krim
Type: AJAX-based Startpage
Targeted Audience: 20 - 40 (adults; technology-savvy)Has
Approximate Users: 7 million (as of February 2007)
Approximate Pageviews: N/A
Acquisition/Valuation: Has received around $20 million of venture capital to date; no acquisition rumors or link-ups of any kind.

(9) Del.icio.us

Launched: Late 2003
Founded by: Joshua Schachter
Type: Social Bookmarking
Targeted Audience: 20 - 40 (adults; technology-savvy)
Approximate Users: 1 million (as of September 2006)
Approximate Pageviews: 4 million (peak, as of August 2006)
Acquisition/Valuation: Bought by Yahoo! in December 2005 for estimated $30 - $40 million

(10) Meebo

Launched: September 2005
Founded by: Sandy Jen, Seth Sternberg, and Elaine Wherry
Type: AJAX-based Instant Messaging
Targeted Audience: 13 - 40 (teens, adults)
Approximate Users: 500,000 users (as of October 2006)
Approximate Pageviews: N/A
Acquisition/Valuation: Has received around $12 million of venture capital to date; no acquisition rumors or linkups.

from http://www.rev2.org/2007/04/14/10-most-successful-web-20-startups-to-date/
Posted by wizysl
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Chateau Talbo (샤토 탈보) 1990, 1997 (그랑크뤼 4등급)
Chambolle Musigny 1er CRU - AMOUREUSES
샹볼뮤지니 레 자무레즈 1999, 2001 - 도메인 죠르주 루미에 (Domaine G. Roumier)
- 로소 데이 노트리 (투아리타의 세컨드 와인)
Chateau Haut-Brion 2002
- 샤토 오 브리옹
Chateau Mouton Rothschild 2002
- 샤토 무통 로칠드
Chateau Latour 2002
- 샤토 라투르
Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1984, 2002
- 샤토 라피트 로칠드
Chateau Margaux 1970, 1978, 2002
- 샤토 마고


Chateau Calon-Segur (빈티지불명) - 샤토 칼롱 세귀르 - 셍떼스테프 와인
대 그랑크뤼 1등급 배드 혹은 범작들의 자객들

Chateau Latour Haut-Brion 1978년 - 샤토 라투르 오브리옹 - 그라브의 페삭 레오냥 마을와인

Chateau Grand-Puy-Lacoste 1990 - 샤토 그랑뿌이 라코스테 - 그랑크뤼 5등급 포이약 마을와인
Chateau Sociando-Malle 1985
- 샤토 소시앙도 말르 - 오메독지역의 와인 (부르조아급 와인)
Chateau Talbo 1986
- 샤토 탈보(그랑크뤼 4등급) - 생줄리앙 마을
Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1970
- 샤토 샤스 스플린 - 뮬리앙 메독 지역 - 부르조아 엑셉쇼날급

Cotes-Du-Rhone -
꼬뜨 뒤 론 Domain de la Janasse 도멘 데 라 자나스 2003
Chateau Puygueraud 2001
- 샤토 퓨이게로
- 뭬르소 Arnaud Ente (아르노 앙뜨)
Nuit-St-George 2002
- 뉘 생 조르쥬 Les Pruliers(레 플레르)


사용자 삽입 이미지

Montevertine Le Pergole Torte 2001 (몬테베르티네) - 이탈리아와인

Chateau Cos D'Estournel 1997 (샤토 코스 데스투르넬) - 프랑스 생테스테프 지방

Pavillion Rouge Chateau Margaux 2002 (빠삐용 루즈 샤토마고) - 프랑스 마고지방
그랑크뤼 1등급 샤토마고의 세컨드 와인)
Broncone Bordolese Deco 2000 (브론코네)
Silk Road Loulan Red Wine (누란 와인)
Alter Ego 2000 (샤토 팔머의 세컨드인 알터에고)

Chateau Palmer 2000 - 샤토 팔머 2000 (그랑크뤼 2등급 마고와인 - 슈퍼세컨드)
Chateau Palmer 1999 - 샤토 팔머 1999 (그랑크뤼 2등급 마고와인 - 슈퍼세컨드)
바로 제 2 사도입니다)

CASAMATTA 2004 - 이탈리아 토스카나 와인


2001 Fronsac  Bordeaux, Chateau Haut-Carles

Coche Dury Corton Charlemagne   1986, 1990
Le Pin 1979
Chateau Montrose 1970
Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1982
DRC 에세조 2001 / 1980
DRC Echezeaux 2001 / 1980
뱅상 지라르뎅 에세조 2001
Vincent Girardin Echezeaux 2001
생 미카엘 에팡 "알토 아디제 소비뇽" 2002
St. Michael-Eppan ALTO ADIGE SAUVIGNON 2002
샤토 피숑 롱그빌 콩테스 드 라랑드 (줄여서 샤토 피숑 라랑드) 1995
Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1995
클로 데 레아 1997 - 미셸 그로
Vosne Romanee 1er CRU "Clos Des Reas" 1997 - Domaine Michel Gros

Posted by wizysl
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RICHEBOURG (리쉬부르) DRC (도멘 로마네 콩티) 1990년
RICHEBOURG (리쉬부르) Henry Jayer (앙리자이에) / 1959년
ROMANEE-CONTE(로마네 콩티) 1985년 (100만엔)
Aleth Le Royer-Girardin, Domaine Pommard 1999/2000년
Chateau Mouton Rothschild (샤토 무통 로칠드) 1982/1994년 - 그랑크뤼 1등급 (5대 사토중 하나)
Chateau Mont-Perat (샤토 몽 페라) 2001년
Opus One (오퍼스 원) 2000년
Chateau Leoville Las Cages (샤토 레오빌 라스 카쥬) 1983년 - 그랑크뤼 2등급
Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron (샤토 피숑 롱그릴 바롱)
VOSNE-ROMANEE CROS-PARANTOUX (본 로마네 크로파랑투) Henry Jayer (앙리 자이에)
RICHEBOURG (리쉬부르) Meo-Camuset (메오 카뮤제)
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) Meo-Camuset (메오 카뮤제)
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) Emmanuel ROUGET (엠마뉴엘 루게) 2001년
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) FAIVELEY (페브레)
Hautes Cotes de Beaune (오트 코트 데 본 루쥬) Jayer Gilles (자이에 질) 2000년
Chambolle Musigny (샹볼 뮤지니 루쥬) 에쥬랑 자이에 
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) 쇼바네 쇼팽 2002년
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) 클로로 듀가 2002년
VOSNE-ROMANEE Les Jachees (본 로마네 레 잣세) Bizoi (장 이브 비조) 2000년
BOURGOGNE (부르고뉴 루쥬) 필립 사를로팽 파리조 2002년
Chateau Margaux (샤토 마고) 1988년 - 그랑크뤼 1등급 (5대 사토중 하나)
VOSNE-ROMANEE LES BEAUMONTS (본 로마네 레 보몽) Emmanuel ROUGET (엠마뉴엘 루게) - 1997년
MIANI (미아니) - 이탈리아와인 (후리우리주의 레어급 와인)
VOSNE-ROMANEE 그로 프렐 에 셀 2001년 (마을단위와인)
Echezeaux (에세조) 2002년
VOSNE-ROMANEE CROS-PARANTOUX (본 로마네 크로파랑투) Emmanuel ROUGET (엠마뉴엘 루게) 1999년
Chateau dyquem (샤토 디켐) 1990년 (귀부와인의 최고봉)
Chateau Calon Segur (샤토 칼롱 세귀) 2000년
Chateau Mouton Rothschild (샤토 무통 로칠드) 1982년 - 그랑크뤼 1등급 (5대 사토중 하나)
Chassagne-Montrachet (샤사뉴 몽라세) - 부르고뉴지방 최고의 화이트와인
Chateau Mouton Rothschild (샤토 무통 로칠드) 2000년 - 그랑크뤼 1등급 (5대 사토중 하나)
Chateau Lagrange (샤토 라그랑쥬) 1996년
Le Haut-Medoc de Giscours (루 오메독 데 지스쿠르) 2000년
REDIGAFFI (레디가피) 2000년 - 이탈리아 와인
Tenuta di Trinoro (테누타 디 트리노로) 1999년 - 이탈리아 와인
le Macchiole Paleo Rosso (레 마키오레 팔레오 로소) 2000년 - 이탈리아 와인
Chablis 1er Cru (샤블리 프리미에 크뤼) Verge (베르게) 2003년
Chambolle Musigny (샹볼 뮤지니) Alain Hudelot-Noellat (알랭 유드로 노엘라) 2000년
Saint Cosme (생콤) Cotes-du-Rhone (코트 두 론) Les-Deux-Albion (레 되 알비온) 2001년
Chablis Premier Cru (샤블리 프리미에 크뤼) Francois Raveneau (프랑소아 라브노)
Chablis (샤블리 마을단위) Louis Jadot (루이자도)
Coteaux du Layon (코트 드 레이옹) Moelleaux (모엘로) 1978년
Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion (샤토 라 미숑 오브리옹) 2001년
La Chapelle de La Mission Haut-Brion (라 샤펠 데 라미숑 오브리옹) 2001년 - 샤토 라 미숑 오브리옹의 세컨드
Le Pin (샤토 르팽) 1982년 - 뽀므롤 지방의 최고 와인 (시마부장에도 나옵니다)
Santenay 1er Cru (상트네 프리미에 크뤼) Clos Tavannes (클로 타반) 2002년
Marsannay (마르사네 마을단위) Philippe et Vincent Lecheneaut (필립 에 뱅상 레스노) 2001년
Clos de la Roche Grand Cru (클로 드 라 로쉬 그랑크뤼) Philippe et Vincent Lecheneaut (필립 에 뱅상 레스노) 2002년
Chateau Latour (샤토 라투르) 1998년 - 그랑 크뤼 1등급 (5대 샤토중 하나)
Bellenda (베렌다) 2000년 - 이탈리아 와인
Canneto (칸테토) 2000년 - 이탈리아 와인
Roggio del Fillare (로지오 델 필라레) - 이탈리아 와인
Chateau Boyd-Cantenac (샤토 보이드 캉트냑) 2001년 - 그랑크뤼 3등급
Sanct Vallentin Alto Adige (생트 발렌틴 알토 아디게) Pino Nero (피노네로) 2000년 - 이탈리아
Ata Rangi (아타랑기) 2001년 - 뉴질랜드 와인
Nuit-St-George 1er Cru (뉘 생 조르쥬 프리미에 크뤼) Henry Gouges (앙리 구쥬) 2000년
VOSNE-ROMANEE (본 로마네 마을단위) Bizot (비조) 2002년
Chambolle Musigny (샹볼 뮤지니) Jacques Frederic (쟈크 프레드릭) 2001년
Chambolle Musigny 1er Cru (샹볼 뮤지니 프리미에 크뤼) Les Charmes (레 샤름) Michele & Patrice Rion (미셸 에 파트리스 리옹) 2001년
Bonnes-Mares Grand Cru (본 마르 그랑크뤼) Robert Groffier (로버트 그로피에) 1999/2001년
Chateau Lynch Bage (샤토 린슈 바쥬) 1983년 - 그랑크뤼 5등급
Pavillion Blanc du Chateau Margaux (빠삐용 블랑 드 샤토 마고) 2002년

http://blog.empas.com/base81/read.html?a=14157308 에서
Posted by wizysl
, |
2007 년 와나비 Top 50

50 고아라
49 소유진
48 미셀위
47 한은정
46 김주하
45 신민아
44 송윤아
43 호란
42 황신혜
41 손예진
40 김윤해?
39 한정민
37 고소영
36 한?
35 문근영
34 엄정화
33 김선아
32 최정아
31 오윤아
30 한채영
29 윤은혜
28 하지원
27 박시?
26 김희선
25 정?
24 전도연
23 박주미
22 최강희
21 수애
20 김윤아
19 공효진
18 이영애
17 성유리
16 배두나
15 보아
14 장진영
13 장윤주
12 심은하
11 임수정
10 김혜수
9 한예슬
8 김민희
7 송혜교
6 한가인
5 김태희
4 김아름
3 이나영
2 이효리
1 전지현

Posted by wizysl
, |
1.Harvard University (MA)
2. Princeton University (NJ)
3.Yale University (CT)
4.University of Pennsylvania
5.Duke University (NC)
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Stanford University (CA)
8.California Institute of Technology
9.Columbia University (NY)
Dartmouth College (NH)
11.Northwestern University (IL)
Washington University in St. Louis
13.Brown University (RI)
14.Cornell University (NY)
Johns Hopkins University (MD)
University of Chicago
17.Rice University (TX)
18.University of Notre Dame (IN)
Vanderbilt University (TN)
20.Emory University (GA)
21.University of California ? Berkeley *
22.Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
University of Michigan ? Ann Arbor *
University of Virginia *
25.Georgetown University (DC)
Univ. of California ? Los Angeles *
27.Wake Forest University (NC)
28.Tufts University (MA)
29.U. of North Carolina ? Chapel Hill *
30.Univ. of Southern California
31.College of William and Mary (VA)*
32.Brandeis University (MA)
New York University
Univ. of Wisconsin ? Madison *
35.Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH)
Univ. of California ? San Diego *
37.Boston College
Lehigh University (PA)
U. of Illinois ? Urbana - Champaign *
University of Rochester (NY)
41.Georgia Institute of Technology *
42.University of California ? Davis *
43.Tulane University (LA)
University of California ? Irvine *
45.Univ. of California ? Santa Barbara *
46.Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY)
University of Texas ? Austin *
University of Washington *
Yeshiva University (NY)
50.Pennsylvania State U. ? University Park *
University of Florida *
52.George Washington University (DC)
Pepperdine University (CA)
Syracuse University (NY)
55.Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA)
56.Boston University
Univ. of Maryland ? College Park *
58.Rutgers ? New Brunswick (NJ)*
University of Georgia *
University of Iowa *
University of Miami (FL)
62.Miami University ? Oxford (OH)*
Ohio State University ? Columbus *
Purdue Univ. ? West Lafayette (IN)*
Texas A&M Univ. ? College Station *
66.University of Connecticut *
University of Delaware *
Univ. of Minnesota ? Twin Cities *
University of Pittsburgh *
70.Fordham University (NY)
71.Indiana University ? Bloomington *
Michigan State University *
Southern Methodist University (TX)
74.Brigham Young Univ. ? Provo (UT)
Clark University (MA)
Clemson University (SC)*
SUNY ? Binghamton *
Univ. of California ? Santa Cruz *
University of Colorado ? Boulder *
Virginia Tech *
81.Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ)
St. Louis University
Univ. of California ? Riverside *
84.Baylor University (TX)
Iowa State University *
86.American University (DC)
North Carolina State U. ? Raleigh *
University of Alabama *
Univ. of Missouri ? Columbia *
90.Auburn University (AL)*
Howard University (DC)
Marquette University (WI)
University of Denver
University of Kansas *
University of Tennessee *
University of Tulsa (OK)
University of Vermont *
98.Ohio University *
SUNY College Environmental Science and Forestry *
Texas Christian University
University of Arizona *
University of Dayton (OH)
Univ. of Massachusetts ? Amherst *
Univ. of Nebraska ? Lincoln *
University of New Hampshire *
106.Drexel University (PA)
Illinois Institute of Technology
SUNY ? Stony Brook *
University of Missouri ? Rolla *
University of San Diego
111.Catholic University of America (DC)
Florida State University *
Loyola University Chicago
University of San Francisco
University of the Pacific (CA)
University of Utah *
117.Colorado State University *
University of Oregon *
Univ. of South Carolina ? Columbia *
120.Michigan Technological University *
New School University (NY)
Northeastern University (MA)
Seton Hall University (NJ)
University at Buffalo ? SUNY *
University of Arkansas *
University of Kentucky *
University of Oklahoma *
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Washington State University *

* denotes a public school.
N/A means not available.

Copyright ⓒ 2004 유에스 뉴우스 엔드 월드 리포트


Posted by wizysl
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구글사 십계명

ysl* 랭킹 / 2006. 1. 29. 00:48

사용자 삽입 이미지

⊙ 구글 십계명

1 이용자(고객)에게 집중하라. 그러면 나머지는 해결된다.

(Focus on the user, and all else will follow.)

2 한 가지 일을 정말 잘 해내는 것이 최고다.

(It’s best to do one thing really, really well.)

3 느린 것보다는 빠른 것이 좋다.

(Fast is better than slow.)

4 인터넷에서 민주주의는 작동한다.

(Democracy on the web works.)

5 해답을 찾기 위해 책상에 앉아 있을 필요는 없다.

(You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.)

6 나쁜 짓 안하고도 돈 벌 수 있다.

(You can make money without doing evil.)

7 세상에는 생각보다 많은 정보가 있다.

(There’s always more information out there.)

8 정보에 대한 수요에는 국경이 없다.

(The need for information crosses all borders.)

9 정장을 입지 않고도 진지하게 일할 수 있다.

(You can be serious without a suit.)

10 단지 훌륭하다는 것만으로는 충분하지 않다.

(Great just isn’t good enough.)

주간조선 2006.1.23일자 특집 구글혁명

Posted by wizysl
, |
어린신부 (8일/화) 밤 9시50분
목포는 항구다 (8일/화) 밤12시
그녀를 믿지마세요 (9/수) 밤 9시50분
미션임파서블2 (10/목) 14시30분
실미도(10/목) 밤9시40분
내사랑싸가지(10/목) 18시30분
올드보이(11일/금) 밤9시50분


미이라(화 / 14시),
스콜피온킹(수 /14시),
블레이드2 (수/ 24시),
품행제로 (목 /24시)


동갑내기 과외하기(8일/화) 13시50분
해리포터와 비밀의방 (8일/화) 20시30분
터미네이터3 (8일/화) 23시25분
말죽거리잔혹사 (9일/수) 21시50분
낭만자객(9일/수) 24시
미녀삼총사(10일/목) 18시10분
황산벌(10일/목) 21시30분
재밌는영화(11일/금) 17시05분
마이너리티 리포트(11일/금) 24시05분


미스에이전트(수), 스파이키드2(목), 로미오머스트다이(목)

- KBS2 (HD 여부 표기가 없음)

영어완전정복(10일/목 21시40분)
Posted by wizysl
, |
포보스 지 선정 인기연예인 100 명중 Top 10

Mel Gibson
Tiger Woods
Oprah Winfrey
Tom Cruise
Rolling Stones
J.K. Rowling
Michael Jordan
Bruce Springsteen
Steven Spielberg
Johnny Depp
Posted by wizysl
, |
전공별 미국 대학원 순위 1: 종합, 인문, 사회, 자연 과학

안녕하세요? 유학 준비 동호회 '유학을 준비하는 사람들'(유준사) 운영자입니다. 지난 봄에 올린 자료를 조금 고쳤습니다.

Top 50 Quality US Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences
(Gourman Report)

Rank Institution Score
1 Harvard 4.94
2 California, Berkeley 4.93
3 Michigan, Ann Arbor 4.92
4 Yale 4.91
5 Stanford 4.9
6 Chicago 4.89
7 Princeton 4.88
8 Wisconsin, Madison 4.87
9 UCLA 4.86
10 Cornell 4.85
11 Columbia 4.84
12 Cal Tech 4.83
13 M.I.T 4.82
14 UPenn 4.81
15 Minnesota, Minneapolis 4.8
16 Northwestern 4.79
17 Illinois, Urbana 4.78
18 Johns Hopkins 4.77
19 California, San Diego 4.76
20 Brown 4.75
21 Duke 4.73
22 Indiana, Bloomington 4.71
23 Iowa, Iowa City 4.69
24 North Carolina, Chapel Hill 4.68
25 Virginia, Charlottesville 4.67
26 Texas, Austin 4.65
27 Washington, Seattle 4.63
28 Washington, St.Louis 4.61
29 Carnegie Mellon 4.58
30 California, Davis 4.57
31 Purdue, Lafayette 4.55
32 Rensselaer 4.53
33 Rochester 4.51
34 California, San Francisco 4.49
35 Rice 4.47
36 SUNY, Stony Brook 4.45
37 Penn State, University Park 4.43
38 Pittsburgh 4.41
39 Notre Dame 4.4
40 Vanderbilt 4.37
41 California, Irvine 4.35
42 Rutgers, New Brunswick 4.33
43 Georgia Tech 4.31
44 Dartmouth 4.3
45 Case Western Reserve 4.27
46 Ohio State, Columbus 4.24
47 TUFTS 4.22
48 SUNY, Buffalo 4.18
49 Tulane 4.16
50 Brandeis 4.13


I. 인문대학
Art History
Asian History
French Language and Literature
German Language and Literature
Philisophy Gourmet Report
Philosophy of Art/Aesthetics
Spanish Language and Literature

II. 사회과학대학
International Politics
Political Science
Social welfare/Social work
Social Work (Master of Social Work)

III. 자연과학대학
Applied Mathematics
Biological Sciences
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular and General Genetics
Molecular Biology


I. 인문대학

1. 국어국문학과

2. 중어중문학과

3. 영어영문학과
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. Harvard University (MA) 4.8
Stanford University (CA) 4.8
University of California--Berkeley 4.8
Yale University (CT) 4.8
5. University of Chicago 4.7
6. Cornell University (NY) 4.6
Princeton University (NJ) 4.6
8. Columbia University (NY) 4.5
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.5
10. University of Pennsylvania 4.4
11. University of California--Los Angeles 4.3
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.3
University of Virginia 4.3
14. Brown University (RI) 4.2
15. Duke University (NC) 4.1
University of California--Irvine 4.1
17. University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.0
18. Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
Rutgers State University--New Brunswick (NJ) 3.9
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 3.9
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.9
University of Texas--Austin 3.9
23. Indiana University--Bloomington 3.8
University of Washington 3.8
25. New York University 3.7
26. CUNY Graduate School and University Center 3.6
27. Pennsylvania State University--University Park 3.5
University of Iowa 3.5
Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.5
30. Emory University (GA) 3.4
University of California--Davis 3.4
University of California--Santa Barbara 3.4
University of Pittsburgh 3.4

4. 불어불문학과
French Language and Literature
1 Yale University
2 Princeton University
3 Duke University
4 Columbia University
5 University of Pennsylvania
6 Stanford University
7 University of California-Berkeley
8 Cornell University
9 University of Michigan
10 University of California-Irvine
11 University of Wisconsin-Madison
12 New York University
13 University of Virginia
14 CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center
15 Emory University
16 University of Chicago
17 Harvard University
18.5 Johns Hopkins University
18.5 Univ of California-Los Angeles
20 Louisiana State U & A&M College
21 Brown University
22 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
23 University of Texas at Austin
24 Washington University
25 Indiana University
26.5 University of Minnesota
26.5 University of Iowa
28 University of California-Davis
29 Northwestern University
30.5 Ohio State University
30.5 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

5. 독어독문학과
German Language and Literature
1 University of California-Berkeley
2 Princeton University
3 Cornell University
4 Harvard University
5 Yale University
6 Stanford University
7 Washington University
8 University of Virginia
9 Johns Hopkins University
10 University of Wisconsin-Madison
11 University of Minnesota
12 University of Washington
13 University of Texas at Austin
14.5 Indiana University
14.5 University of California-Irvine
16 University of Pennsylvania
17 Ohio State University
18 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
19 U of Massachusetts at Amherst
20 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
21 University of Michigan
22 Univ of California-Los Angeles
23 University of California-Davis
24 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
25 State Univ of New York-Albany
26 New York University
27 Pennsylvania State University
28 Georgetown University
29 University of Cincinnati
30 University of Pittsburgh

6. 노어노문학과

7. 서어서문학과
Spanish Language and Literature
1 Columbia University
2 Duke University
3 Brown University
4 Princeton University
5 University of Virginia
6 University of Pennsylvania
7 University of Wisconsin-Madison
8 Cornell University
9 University of California-Berkeley
10 Harvard University
11 University of Kansas
12 University of Texas at Austin
13 University of Michigan
14 University of California-Davis
15 University of California-Irvine
16 Univ of California-Los Angeles
17 Stanford University
18.5 Univ of California-San Diego
18.5 CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center
20.5 Indiana University
20.5 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
22 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
23 New York University
24.5 Pennsylvania State University
24.5 Univ of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
26 University of Pittsburgh
27.5 Washington University
27.5 University of Minnesota
29 University of Kentucky
30 Georgetown University

8. 언어학과
1 Massachusetts Inst of Technology
2 Stanford University
3 Univ of California-Los Angeles
4 U of Massachusetts at Amherst
5 University of Pennsylvania
6.5 University of Chicago
6.5 University of California-Berkeley
8 Ohio State University
9 Cornell University
10 Univ of California-Santa Cruz
11 University of Texas at Austin
12.5 University of Southern California
12.5 University of Arizona
14 Univ of California-San Diego
15 CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center
16 University of Connecticut
17 University of Washington
18 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
19 Georgetown University
20 Brown University
21 Harvard University
22 State Univ of New York-Buffalo
23 University of Pittsburgh
24 State U of New York-Stony Brook
25 University of Hawaii at Manoa
26 University of Oregon
27 Indiana University
28.5 Boston University
28.5 University of Delaware
30 Yale University

9. 국사학과

10. 동양사학과
Asian History
1. University of California-Berkeley
2. Harvard University (MA)
3. University of California-Los Angeles
4. Stanford University (CA)
5. Yale University (CT)
6. University of Chicago
7. Columbia University (NY)
8. Princeton University (NJ)
9. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
10. Cornell University (NY)
University of Washington

11. 서양사학과
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. Princeton University (NJ) 4.9
Yale University (CT) 4.9
3. Stanford University (CA) 4.8
University of California--Berkeley 4.8
5. Columbia University (NY) 4.7
University of Chicago 4.7
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.7
8. Harvard University (MA) 4.6
9. University of California--Los Angeles 4.5
10. Cornell University (NY) 4.4
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.4
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.4
13. University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 4.3
University of Pennsylvania 4.3
15. Brown University (RI) 4.1
Duke University (NC) 4.1
Northwestern University (IL) 4.1
University of Virginia 4.1
19. Indiana University--Bloomington 4.0
Rutgers State University--New Brunswick (NJ) 4.0
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 4.0
22. University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 3.9
University of Texas--Austin 3.9
24. New York University 3.8
25. Emory University (GA) 3.7
Ohio State University--Columbus 3.7
27. CUNY Graduate School and University Center 3.6
Rice University (TX) 3.6
University of California--Davis 3.6
University of Maryland--College Park 3.6
University of Washington 3.6

12. 고고미술사학과
Art History
1.5* Columbia University
1.5* New York University
3 University of California-Berkeley
4 Harvard University
5 Yale University
6 Princeton University
7 Johns Hopkins University
8 Northwestern University
9 University of Pennsylvania
10 University of Chicago
11 University of Michigan
12 CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center
13 Univ of California-Los Angeles
14 Stanford University
15 University of Delaware
16 University of Virginia
17 Bryn Mawr College
18 Brown University
19 University of Texas at Austin
20 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
21 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
22 University of Pittsburgh
23 Cornell University
24.5 Indiana University
24.5 Boston University
26 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
27 University of Kansas
28 University of Maryland College Park
29 Ohio State University
30 University of Minnesota

13. 철학과
Philisophy (Philosophical Gourmet Report, 2002-2004)
1 New York University 4.7
Princeton University 4.7
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 4.7
4 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 4.4
5 University of Pittsburgh 4.3
6 Stanford University 4.2
7 Columbia University 4
8 Harvard University 3.8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3.8
University of Arizona 3.8
University of California, Los Angeles 3.8
12 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 3.7
13 University of California, Berkeley 3.6
14 University of Notre Dame 3.5
University of Texas, Austin 3.5
16 Brown University 3.4
Cornell University 3.4
University of Chicago 3.4
Yale University 3.4
20 University of California, Irvine 3.3
University of California, San Diego 3.3
22 Ohio State University 3.2
University of Wisconsin, Madison 3.2
24 University of California, Davis 3.1
25 City University of New York Grad Center 3
Indiana University, Bloomington 3
University of Pennsylvania 3
28 Duke University 2.9
University of Colorado, Boulder 2.9
30 University of Maryland, College Park 2.8
University of Massachussetts, Amherst 2.8

14. 종교학과

Religion (NRC, 1993)
1 University of Chicago
2 Harvard University
3 Princeton University
4 Duke University
5 Emory University
6 University of Virginia
7 Vanderbilt University
8 Princeton Theological Seminary
9 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
10.5 Jewish Theological Seminary
10.5 University of Pennsylvania
12 University of Notre Dame
13 Hebrew Union College
14 Columbia University
15 Brown University
16 Southern Methodist University
17 Boston College
18 Union Theological Seminary in VA
19 Stanford University
20.5 Claremont Graduate School
20.5 Drew University
22 Boston University
23 Northwestern University
24 Catholic University of America
25 Temple University
26.5 University of Iowa
26.5 Syracuse University
28 Fordham University
29 University of Denver
30 Rice University

Philosophy of Religion
(Philosophical Gourmet Report, 2002-2004)
1. Excellent
University of Notre Dame
Yale University
2. Good
Claremont Graduate School
Cornell University
Oxford University
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
St. Louis University
University of California, Riverside
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
University of Oklahoma, Norman
University of Wisconsin, Madison
3. Also Notable
Fordham University
Indiana University, Bloomington
Monash University
Purdue University
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
University of Iowa
University of Leeds
University of Massachussetts, Amherst
University of Missouri, Columbia
University of New England
University of Rochester
University of Texas, Austin
University of Virginia

15. 미학과
Philosophy of Art/Aesthetics
(Philosophical Gourmet Report, 2002-2004)
1. Excellent
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
University of Cincinnati
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Western Ontario
2. Good
King's College, London
Oxford University
Stanford University
Temple University
University of Auckland
University of British Columbia
University of Chicago
University of Nottingham
University of Pennsylvania
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University of York
3. Also Notable
Harvard University
Ohio State University
Princeton University
State University of New York, Buffalo
University of California, Davis
University of St. Andrews
University of Texas, Austin

II. 사회과학대학

1. 정치학과
Political Science
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. Harvard University (MA) 4.9
2. Stanford University (CA) 4.7
University of California--Berkeley 4.7
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.7
5. Yale University (CT) 4.6
6. Princeton University (NJ) 4.5
7. University of California--San Diego 4.3
8. Duke University (NC) 4.2
University of California--Los Angeles 4.2
University of Chicago 4.2
11. Columbia University (NY) 4.0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.0
University of Rochester (NY) 4.0
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.0
15. Ohio State University--Columbus 3.9
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 3.9
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.9
18. Indiana University--Bloomington 3.7
Washington University in St. Louis 3.7
20. Cornell University (NY) 3.6
Northwestern University (IL) 3.6
22. Michigan State University 3.5
23. SUNY--Stony Brook 3.4
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 3.4
University of Texas--Austin 3.4
University of Washington 3.4
27. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.3
University of Iowa 3.3
29. University of California--Irvine 3.2
University of Maryland--College Park 3.2

2. 외교학과
International Politics
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. Columbia University (NY)
4. Yale University (CT)
5. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
6. Princeton University (NJ)
University of California-Berkeley
8. Duke University (NC)
9. University of California-San Diego
10. University of Chicago
11. University of California-Los Angeles
12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
13. Cornell University (NY)
Ohio State University-Columbus
15. University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
16. Johns Hopkins University (MD)

3. 경제학부
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0
2. Harvard University (MA) 4.9
Princeton University (NJ) 4.9
Stanford University (CA) 4.9
University of Chicago 4.9
6. University of California--Berkeley 4.8
7. Yale University (CT) 4.7
8. Northwestern University (IL) 4.6
9. University of Pennsylvania 4.4
10. University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.2
11. University of California--Los Angeles 4.1
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.1
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 4.1
14. California Institute of Technology 4.0
Columbia University (NY) 4.0
University of Rochester (NY) 4.0
17. Cornell University (NY) 3.9
University of California--San Diego 3.9
19. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.7
New York University 3.7
21. Brown University (RI) 3.6
Duke University (NC) 3.6
University of Texas--Austin 3.6
24. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.5
University of Maryland--College Park 3.5
26. Boston University 3.4
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 3.4
University of Virginia 3.4
29. Ohio State University--Columbus 3.3
30. University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.2

4. 사회학과
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. University of California--Berkeley 4.8
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.8
3. University of Chicago 4.7
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.7
5. Stanford University (CA) 4.6
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 4.6
7. Harvard University (MA) 4.4
University of California--Los Angeles 4.4
9. Northwestern University (IL) 4.2
Princeton University (NJ) 4.2
11. Indiana University--Bloomington 4.1
University of Arizona 4.1
University of Pennsylvania 4.1
14. Columbia University (NY) 3.9
Cornell University (NY) 3.9
16. Duke University (NC) 3.8
University of Texas--Austin 3.8
University of Washington 3.8
19. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.7
Pennsylvania State University--University Park 3.7
21. Ohio State University--Columbus 3.6
22. New York University 3.5
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 3.5
24. SUNY--Albany 3.4
University of California--Santa Barbara 3.4
University of Maryland--College Park 3.4
Yale University (CT) 3.4
28. Brown University (RI) 3.3
University of California--Davis 3.3
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 3.3
University of Iowa 3.3

5. 인류학과
1.5* University of Michigan
1.5* University of Chicago
3 University of California-Berkeley
4 Harvard University
5 University of Arizona
6 University of Pennsylvania
7 Stanford University
9 Yale University
9 Univ of California-Los Angeles
9 Univ of California-San Diego
11 University of Florida
12 University of Texas at Austin
13 New York University
14 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
15 University of California-Davis
16 Columbia University
17 Washington University
18.5 Duke University
18.5 University of Wisconsin-Madison
20 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
21.5 Johns Hopkins University
21.5 CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center
23.5 University of Virginia
23.5 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
25 University of Pittsburgh
26 Arizona State University
27 Princeton University
29 Indiana University
29 University of Washington
29 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

6. 심리학과
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. Stanford University (CA) 4.7
2. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.6
3. Univ. of Minnesota--Twin Cities (Inst. of Child Development) 4.4
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 4.4
Yale University (CT) 4.4
6. Harvard University (MA) 4.3
University of California--Berkeley 4.3
University of California--Los Angeles 4.3
9. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.2
11. Columbia University (NY) 4.1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 4.1
Princeton University (NJ) 4.1
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 4.1
15. Cornell University (NY) 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
17. Indiana University--Bloomington 3.9
Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
University of California--San Diego 3.9
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.9
University of Texas--Austin 3.9
University of Virginia 3.9
University of Washington 3.9
24. Duke University (NC) 3.8
Harvard University (Programs in Human Development and Psych.) (MA) 3.8
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8
Ohio State University--Columbus 3.8
Univ. of California--Irvine (Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior) 3.8
Univ. of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Combined Program in Ed. and Psych.) 3.8
30. Brown University (RI) 3.7
Cornell University (Dept. of Human Development) (NY) 3.7
Indiana University--Bloomington (Cognitive Science Program) 3.7
New York University 3.7
Penn State Univ.--University Park (Program in Human Development & Family Studies) 3.7
Stanford University (Psych. Studies in Education) (CA) 3.7
University of California--Irvine (Cognitive Sci. Dept.) 3.7
University of Chicago 3.7
University of Colorado--Boulder 3.7

7. 지리학과
1 Pennsylvania State University
2 University of Wisconsin-Madison
3 University of Minnesota
4 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
5 Ohio State University
6.5 University of California-Berkeley
6.5 Syracuse University
8 Univ of California-Los Angeles
9 Clark University
10 University of Washington
11 State Univ of New York-Buffalo
12 University of Colorado
13 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
14 University of Texas at Austin
15 Arizona State University
16 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17 University of Iowa
18 Louisiana State U & A&M College
19 University of Arizona
20 University of Kentucky
21 University of Georgia
22 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
23 Johns Hopkins University
24 University of Florida
25 Indiana University
26 University of Kansas
27 Boston University
28 University of Oregon
29 University of Maryland College Park
30 University of Hawaii at Manoa

8. 사회복지학과

Social Work (Master of Social Work)
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. University of Michigan 4.4
2. Washington University in St. Louis 4.3
3. Columbia University (NY) 4.2
University of California-Berkeley 4.2
University of Washington 4.2
6. University of Chicago 4.1
7. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 4.0
8. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 3.8
University of Southern California 3.8
10. University of Texas-Austin 3.7
11. University of Pennsylvania 3.6
University of Wisconsin-Madison 3.6
13. Fordham University (NY) 3.5
University of California-Los Angeles 3.5
University of Pittsburgh 3.5
Virginia Commonwealth University 3.5
17. CUNY-Hunter College 3.4
Smith College (MA) 3.4
19. Boston College 3.3
Boston University 3.4
Byrn Mawr College (PA) 3.4
SUNY-Albany 3.4
University of Kansas 3.4
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3.4
25. Florida State University 3.2
New York University 3.2
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign 3.2
University of Maryland-Baltimore 3.2
29. University of Hawaii-Manoa 3.1
University of Illinois-Chicago 3.1
University of South Carolina 3.1
University of Tennessee-Knoxville 3.1

Social welfare/Social work
1. University of Chicago
2. Columbia U
3. U of Michigan
4. University of Wisconsin-Madison
5. University of Pennsylvania
6. Case Western Reserve
7. Brandise
8. University of Pittsburgh
9. Washington U
10. U of Minnesota
11. Ohio State U
12. UC-berkeley
13. Rutgers U
14. USC
15. Michigan State University
16. U of Texas-austin
17. University of Washington
18. Florida State University
19. Pennsylvania State University
20. Indiana University-Bloomington
21. Wayne State University

9. 언론정보학과

Journalism (Gourman Report, 1997)
1. Columbia University (N.Y.)
2. Northwestern University (Illinois)
3. University of Missouri (Columbia)
4. University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
5. University of Illinois (Urbana)
6. University of Wisconsin (Madison)
7. University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
8. Stanford University
9. University of Texas (Austin)
10. Indiana University (Bloomington)
11. University of Iowa (Iowa City)
12. University of Maryland (College Park)
13. New York University
14. Boston University
15. University of Southern California
16. Wayne State University (Michigan)
17. Syracuse University
18. Michigan State University
19. University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
20. Pennsylvania State University
21. Ohio State University - Columbus
22. Ohio University

Print Journalism (US News, 1997)
Rank University
1 University of Missouri at Columbia
2 Columbia University
3 Northwestern University
4 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
5 Indiana University at Bloomington
6 University of Florida
7 University of Wisconsin at Madison
7 Ohio University
9 University of California at Berkeley
9 University of Kansas
11 University of Maryland at College Park
11 University of Texas at Austin
13 Syracuse University
14 Arizona State University
15 University of Minnesota at Twin Cities

Radio/Television (US News, 1997)
Rank University
1 Syracuse University
2 University of Florida
3 University of Missouri at Columbia
4 University of Texas at Austin
5 Northwestern University
6 Indiana University at Bloomington
7 Arizona State University
8 Columbia University
9 Ohio University
10 University of Wisconsin at Madison
11 University of Southern California
12 University of Georgia
13 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
14 Temple University
14 University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa

1. Northwestern University
2. Stanford University
3. University of Pennsylvania
4. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
5. University of Southern California
6. University of Iowa
7. Michigan State University
8. University of Texas - Austin
9. Syracuse University
10. Florida State University
11. University of Wisconsin - Madison
12. University of Washington
13. Ohio State University - Columbus
14. University of Minnesota
15. Purdue University - West Lafayette

Communication Theory & Research
(National Communication Association, 1995-1996)
Rank Program Number_of_mentions_in_top_five Percentage_of_total_(n= 459)
1 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 193 42.05%
2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department 184 40.09%
3 Michigan State University - Communication Department 174 37.91%
4 University of Wisconsin, Madison 166 36.17%
5 University of Arizona 139 30.28%
6 University of Iowa 127 27.67%
7 Purdue University 109 23.75%
8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies 104 22.66%
9 University of California, Santa Barbara 103 22.44%
10 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication 83 18.08%
11 Pennsylvania State University 61 13.29%
12 Arizona State University 56 12.20%
13 Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department 51 11.11%
14 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication 50 10.89%
15 Ohio State University 47 10.24%
16 University of Utah 44 9.59%
17 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Institute of Communications Research 41 8.93%
18 University of Kansas 40 8.71%
19 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Speech Communication Department 39 8.50%
20 University of Texas, Austin - Department of Radio-TV-Film 36 7.84%
21 University of Washington 35 7.63%
22 University of Colorado, Boulder 33 7.19%
23 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department 24 5.23%
23 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 24 5.23%
25 University of Oklahoma 22 4.79%
26 University of Kentucky 19 4.14%
27 University of Georgia - Speech Communication Department 17 3.70%
28 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 15 3.27%
29 Rutgers University 14 3.05%
29 University of South Florida 14 3.05%

III. 자연과학대학

1. 수학

Rank/School Average assessment score (5 = highest)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0
2. Harvard University (MA) 4.9
Princeton University (NJ) 4.9
Stanford University (CA) 4.9
University of California–Berkeley 4.9
6. University of Chicago 4.8
7. Yale University (CT) 4.7
8. California Institute of Technology 4.6
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.6
10. Cornell University (NY) 4.4
New York University 4.4
University of California–Los Angeles 4.4
13. Columbia University (NY) 4.3
University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.3
15. University of Texas–Austin 4.2
16. Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 4.1
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.1
University of Maryland–College Park 4.1
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 4.1
University of Pennsylvania 4.1
21. Brown University (RI) 4.0
Northwestern University (IL) 4.0
SUNY–Stony Brook 4.0
University of California–San Diego 4.0
25. Duke University (NC) 3.9
26. Indiana University–Bloomington 3.8
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8
Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.8
Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.8
Rice University (TX) 3.8
University of Washington 3.8

Applied Mathematics
Rank/School Average assessment score (5 = highest)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.7
New York University 4.7
3. California Institute of Technology 4.6
4. Stanford University (CA) 4.5
5. Brown University (RI) 4.4
Princeton University (NJ) 4.4
University of California–Berkeley 4.4
University of California–Los Angeles 4.4
9. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 4.3
10. Cornell University (NY) 4.2
11. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.0
University of Maryland–College Park 4.0
University of Texas–Austin 4.0
14. Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
Rice University (TX) 3.9
University of Washington 3.9
University of Wisconsin–Madison 3.9
18. Georgia Institute of Technology 3.8
University of Chicago 3.8
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 3.8
21. Harvard University (MA) 3.7
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 3.7
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.7
SUNY–Stony Brook 3.7
University of Arizona 3.7
University of Colorado–Boulder 3.7
27. Duke University (NC) 3.6
Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.6
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 3.6
Yale University (CT) 3.6

2. 통계학

1.5* Stanford University
1.5* University of California-Berkeley a
3 University of California-Berkeley b
4 Cornell University
5 University of Chicago
6 University of Washington b
7 Harvard University
8 University of Wisconsin-Madison
9 University of Washington a
10 Purdue University
11 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill a
12 Univ of California-Los Angeles
13 University of Minnesota a
14 Iowa State University
15 Texas A&M University
16 Carnegie Mellon University
17 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
18 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill b
19 Pennsylvania State University
20 Yale University
21 Johns Hopkins University
22 North Carolina State University
23 Florida State University
24.5 Columbia University
24.5 University of Michigan a
26 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
27 University of Florida
28 University of Pennsylvania
29 Ohio State University
30 Michigan State University

Statistics & Biostatistics Program Rankings
(Faculty Quality)
Rank Institution
1.0 University of Pittsburgh
2.0 University of Washington
3.0 Johns Hopkins University
4.0 University of Michigan
5.0 University of Iowa
6.0 Boston University
7.0 Harvard University
8.0 University of Washington
9.0 University of California @ Los Angeles
10.0 University of California @ Berkeley
11.0 Stanford University
12.0 Emory University
13.0 Columbia University
14.0 University of Colorado
15.0 Northwestern University
16.0 University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill
17.0 University of Minnesota
18.0 University of Wisconsin @ Madison
19.0 State University of New York @ Stony Brook
20.0 University of Massachusetts @ Amherst
21.5 University of Florida
21.5 University of Alabama @ Birmingham
23.0 Carnegie Mellon University
24.0 University of California @ Berkeley
25.0 University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill
26.0 Colorado State University
27.0 University of Rochester
28.0 University of Connecticut
29.0 Cornell University
30.0 Yale University

3. 물리학
Rank/School Average assessment score (5 = highest)
1. California Institute of Technology 5.0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0
3. Harvard University (MA) 4.9
Princeton University (NJ) 4.9
Stanford University (CA) 4.9
University of California–Berkeley 4.9
7. Cornell University (NY) 4.6
University of Chicago 4.6
9. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.5
10. Columbia University (NY) 4.3
University of California–Santa Barbara 4.3
12. Yale University (CT) 4.2
13. University of Maryland–College Park 4.1
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.1
University of Texas–Austin 4.1
16. University of California–Los Angeles 4.0
University of California–San Diego 4.0
University of Washington 4.0
University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.0
20. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.9
University of Colorado–Boulder 3.9
University of Pennsylvania 3.9
23. SUNY–Stony Brook 3.8
24. Ohio State University 3.7
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.7
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.7
27. Penn State University–University Park 3.6
28. Brown University (RI) 3.5
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.5
Michigan State University 3.5
Northwestern University (IL) 3.5

4. 천문학
1 California Institute Technology
2 Princeton University
3 University of California-Berkeley
4 Harvard University
5 University of Chicago
6 Univ of California-Santa Cruz
7 University of Arizona
8 Massachusetts Inst of Technology
9 Cornell University
10 University of Texas at Austin
11 University of Hawaii at Manoa
12 University of Colorado
13 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
14 University of Wisconsin-Madison
15 Yale University
16 Univ of California-Los Angeles
17 University of Virginia
18 Columbia University
19 University of Maryland College Park
20 U of Massachusetts at Amherst
21 Pennsylvania State University
22 Stanford University
23 Ohio State University
24 University of Minnesota
25 University of Michigan
26 State U of New York-Stony Brook
27 Boston University
28 Indiana University
29 Louisiana State U & A&M College
30 Iowa State University

5. 화학
Rank/School Average assessment score (5 = highest)
1. University of California–Berkeley 5.0
2. California Institute of Technology 4.9
Harvard University (MA) 4.9
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.9
5. Stanford University (CA) 4.8
6. Scripps Research Institute (CA) 4.5
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.5
8. Columbia University (NY) 4.4
Cornell University (NY) 4.4
University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.4
11. University of California–Los Angeles 4.3
12. Northwestern University (IL) 4.2
University of Texas–Austin 4.2
14. Princeton University (NJ) 4.1
University of Chicago 4.1
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 4.1
Yale University (CT) 4.1
18. Penn State University–University Park 4.0
Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
21. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 3.9
22. Ohio State University 3.8
Texas A&M University–College Station 3.8
University of California–San Diego 3.8
University of Colorado–Boulder 3.8
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.8
27. Indiana University–Bloomington 3.7
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.7
University of Washington 3.7
30. University of California–Irvine 3.6
University of California–Santa Barbara 3.6

6. 생명과학

Biological Sciences
Rank/School Average assessment score (5 = highest)
1. Stanford University (CA) 4.9
2. Harvard University (MA) 4.8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.8
University of California?Berkeley 4.8
5. California Institute of Technology 4.7
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.7
University of California?San Francisco 4.7
8. Rockefeller University (NY) 4.6
9. Princeton University (NJ) 4.5
Scripps Research Institute (CA) 4.5
Yale University (CT) 4.5
12. Duke University (NC) 4.4
University of Wisconsin?Madison 4.4
14. Columbia University (NY) 4.3
Cornell University (NY) 4.3
University of California?San Diego 4.3
University of Michigan?Ann Arbor 4.3
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center?Dallas 4.3
Washington University in St. Louis 4.3
20. University of California?Los Angeles 4.2
University of Chicago 4.2
University of Washington 4.2
23. University of Pennsylvania 4.1
24. Baylor College of Medicine (TX) 4.0
University of California?Davis 4.0
University of Illinois?Urbana-Champaign 4.0
27. University of Colorado?Boulder 3.9
University of North Carolina?Chapel Hill 3.9
29. Cornell University (Weill) (NY) 3.7
Emory University (GA) 3.7
Mayo Medical School (MN) 3.7
University of Minnesota?Twin Cities 3.7
University of Texas?Austin 3.7
Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.7
Yeshiva University (Albert Einstein) (NY) 3.7

1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of Wisconsin–Madison
4. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign
6. Washington University in St. Louis
7. University of California–Los Angeles
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
9. University of California–San Francisco
University of Washington

1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of California–San Francisco
4. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
University of California–Berkeley
6. University of Wisconsin–Madison
7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8. California Institute of Technology
9. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center–Dallas
10. Rockefeller University (NY)
Yale University (CT)
12. Duke University (NC)
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
University of Washington
15. University of California–San Diego
16. Scripps Research Institute (CA)
University of Pennsylvania

Molecular Biology
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. University of California–Berkeley
5. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
6. Princeton University (NJ)
University of California–San Francisco
8. California Institute of Technology
9. Yale University (CT)
10. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center–Dallas
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Washington University in St. Louis
13. Rockefeller University (NY)
14. Duke University (NC)
University of Pennsylvania

Molecular and General Genetics
1 Massachusetts Inst of Technology
2 Univ of California-San Francisco
3 Harvard University
4 California Institute Technology
5 Stanford University
6 Univ of California-San Diego
7 University of Wisconsin-Madison
8 Yale University
9 Johns Hopkins University
10 University of California-Berkeley
11 University of Chicago
12 Columbia University
13 University of Utah
14 Baylor College of Medicine
15 Duke University
16 Washington University
17 University of Washington
18 U of Texas-Southwestern Med Ctr
19 University of Pennsylvania
20 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
21 University of Michigan
22 State U of New York-Stony Brook
23 Cornell University
24 Indiana University
25 Albert Einstein College of Med
26 U of Tex-Health Sci Ctr-Houston
27 Brandeis University
28 University of Texas at Austin
29 University of Rochester
30 North Carolina State University

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
1.5* Stanford University
1.5* University of Chicago
3 Duke University
4 Cornell University
5 University of California-Davis
6 Princeton University
7 University of Washington
8 University of California-Berkeley
9 University of Wisconsin-Madison
10.5 State U of New York-Stony Brook
10.5 University of Texas at Austin
12 University of Michigan
13 Washington University
14 University of Pennsylvania
15 University of Minnesota
16 University of Georgia
17 Yale University
18.5 Univ of California-Los Angeles
18.5 Univ of California-San Diego
20 Univ of California-Santa Barbara
21 University of Arizona
22 University of California-Irvine
23 Oregon State University
24 University of Utah
26 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
26 Univ of California-Riverside
26 Pennsylvania State University b
28 University of Florida
29 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
30 Indiana University

1. University of California–San Francisco
2. Harvard University (MA)
3. Stanford University (CA)
4. Columbia University (NY)
Johns Hopkins University (MD)
6. Washington University in St. Louis
7. University of California–San Diego
8. Yale University (CT)
9. University of California–Los Angeles
10. Duke University (NC)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Washington

7. 대기과학

8. 지구환경과학
Rank/School Average reputation score(5=highest)
1. California Institute of Technology 4.9
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.8
3. Stanford University (CA) 4.5
University of California-Berkeley 4.5
5. Columbia University (NY) 4.3
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4.3
7. Harvard University (MA) 4.1
Pennsylvania State University-University Park 4.1
University of Arizona 4.1
10. University of Chicago 4.0
11. Cornell University (NY) 3.9
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.9
Princeton University (NJ) 3.9
University of California-Los Angeles 3.9
University of California-San Diego 3.9
University of Texas-Austin 3.9
17. University of Wisconsin-Madison 3.8
18. Brown University (RI) 3.7
University of Washington 3.7
20. Yale University (CT) 3.6
21. University of California-Santa Barbara 3.5
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis 3.5
23. University of California-Santa Cruz 3.4
Washington University in St. Louis 3.4
25. Arizona State University 3.3
SUNY-Stony Brook 3.3
University of California-Davis 3.3

9. 해양학
1 Univ of California-San Diego
2 Massachusetts Inst of Technology
3 University of Washington
4 Columbia University
5 Oregon State University
6 University of Rhode Island
7 University of Hawaii at Manoa
8 State U of New York-Stony Brook
9 Florida State University
10 University of Maryland College Park
11 University of Miami
12 Texas A&M University
13.5 U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
13.5 Duke University
15 University of South Florida
16 University of Wisconsin-Madison
17 Old Dominion University
18 Stanford University
19 North Carolina State University
20 University of South Carolina
21 University of Alaska
22 Naval Postgraduate School
23 Louisiana State U & A&M College
24 U of Massachusetts at Amherst
25 Florida Institute of Technology
26 Northeastern University

Posted by wizysl
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1. 끝까지 놓쳐서는 안 될 사랑
2. 나이가 들수록 돋보이는 지적 성숙
3. 달빛 아래서도 체조할 정도로 건강한 몸
4. 여유와이해력이 늘어가는 넉넉함
5. 나만의 일 찾기
6. 비글하게 살지 않을 정도의 경제적 안정
7. 외모에 대한 관심 늦추지 않기
8. 적당한 취미 생활
9. 가족들을 인격체로 대하기
10. 손을 내밀어줄 수 있는 친구

- 쩡이의 홈피에서
Posted by wizysl
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추석특집 영화시간표

- 9월 25일 (토) -

[ SBS ] 밤 09:45 - 15세 : 조폭마누라2 돌아온전설
[ SBS ] 밤 11:45 - 전체 : 인디펜던스데이
[ KBS1] 밤 10:50 - 18세 : 라이방
[ KBS2] 밤 10:00 - 12세 : 스파이더맨1
[ KBS2] 밤 12:10 - 15세 : 무간도2 혼돈의시대
[ MBC ] 밤 09:40 - 12세 : 첫사랑 사수궐기 대회
[ MBC ] 밤 11:30 - 15세 : 똥개

- 9월 26일 (일) -

[ SBS ] 밤 11:05 - 15세 : 살인의추억
[ SBS ] 밤 01:25 - 12세 : 깝스
[ KBS1] 밤 10:50 - 12세 : 머스킷티어
[ KBS2] 낮 10:40 - 전체 : 용가리
[ KBS2] 밤 10:10 - 12세 : 상하이눈
[ KBS2] 밤 12:10 - 15세 : 내츄럴시티
[ MBC ] 밤 09:40 - 15세 : 오브라더스
[ MBC ] 밤 01:30 - 전체 : 철도원

- 9월 27일 (월) -

[ SBS ] 낮 01:50 - 12세 : 오해피데이
[ SBS ] 밤 09:45 - 12세 : 선생 김봉두
[ SBS ] 밤 11:55 - 12세 : 메달리온
[ KBS1] 밤 12:30 - 전체 : 집으로 가는 길
[ KBS2] 밤 11:00 - 12세 : 영어완전정복
[ MBC ] 낮 02:10 - 15세 : 패트리어트 늪속의여우
[ MBC ] 밤 11:05 - 18세 : 갱스오브뉴욕
[ MBC ] 밤 02:15 - 12세 : 아나콘다

- 9월 28일 (화) -

[ SBS ] 낮 02:00 - 전체 : 쥬라기 공원2 잃어버린 세계
[ SBS ] 밤 08:35 - 12세 : 반지의 제왕2 두개의탑
[ KBS1] 낮 03:20 - 전체 : 엘시드 전설의영웅
[ KBS1] 밤 12:40 - 전체 : 투게더
[ KBS2] 밤 11:00 - 18세 : 스캔들 조선남녀상열지사
[ KBS2] 밤 01:15 - 15세 : 아메리칸 스윗하트
[ MBC ] 낮 02:15 - 12세 : 와호장룡
[ MBC ] 밤 11:05 - 15세 : 미션임파서블2
[ MBC ] 밤 01:25 - 12세 : 빅 대디

- 9월 29일 (수) -

[ SBS ] 낮 02:00 - 15세 : 턱시도
[ SBS ] 밤 09:45 - 15세 : 터미네이터3 라이즈 오브 더 머신
[ SBS ] 밤 11:45 - 18세 : 와일드 카드
[ KBS1] 낮 03:20 - 전체 : 슈퍼 차일드
[ KBS1] 밤 12:45 - 전체 : 책상 서랍속의 동화
[ KBS2] 오전 10:30 - 전체 : 슈렉
[ KBS2] 밤 11:00 - 15세 : 싱글즈
[ KBS2] 밤 01:05 - 12세 : 화성으로 간 사나이
[ MBC ] 밤 09:55 - 12세 : 영웅
[ MBC ] 밤 11:55 - 15세 : 분노의 질주

- 9월 30일 (목) -

[ KBS2] 밤 12:10 - 15세 : 블랙호크다운
Posted by wizysl
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“남자는 초장에 잡아야지!”
내 남자 초반에 꽉 잡는 비법은?

1~~ 평소엔 애교스럽게, 그러나 화났을 땐 냉정하게!!! 1,216명
2~~ 절대 먼저 연락안한다. 그리고! 가끔은 연락이 와도 못받은척 무시한다 617명
3~~ 한번에 OK하지 않는다. 특히 약속과 스킨십! 542명
4~~ 남들앞에선 조신하게 있다가 둘만 있으면 섹시하게 돌변한다 350명
5~~ 일부러 할수 있는것도 못하는 척 해서 처음부터 남자가 챙겨주게 만든다 341명
6~~ 남자가 잘할 때 마다 칭찬하고 장점을 이야기 해 준다 280명
7~~ 내 일에 최선을 다하고 능력을 인정받아 남자에게 잘난여자로 보이도록 한다 244명
8~~ 남자 주변 사람들을 포섭, 모두 ‘무조건 내편’으로 만든다 238명
9~~ 평소에 작은걸 양보해 주고, 큰일이 있을땐 내 의견에 따르도록 한다 173명
10~~ 싸우거나 다퉈도 절대 먼저 사과하지 않는다. 그리고 사소한 말다툼이라도 절대 지지않고 이기고 만다 142명

**기 타***
@남자가 요구하는건 무엇이든지 최대한 들어준다
@사귀기 전에 오랜시간 뜸을 들인다
@애인이 나만 보도록 몸과 마음을 아름답게 가꾼다
@약점을 잡아 기어오르려고 할 때마다 터뜨린다
@데이트 비용을 전부 남자에게 떠밀지 않는다 그리고 가끔은 내가 더 크게 쏴서 남자가 내게 의지할수 있게 한다
@남자친구의 의견은 잘 들어만준다. 그리고 결정은 눈물과 애교로 내뜻대로 한다
@데이트에 큰 의미를 두지 않는척 한다. 그리고 내 일이 우선이라고 자주 말한다
@ 남자의 작은 선물에도 크게 감동해 준다
@ 절대로 늦게까지 함께 있지 않는다. 전화, 문자보내는 시간, 횟수등을 정해놓고 규칙적으로 반복한다
@ 초반엔 강한 스킨십으로! 넘어왔다 싶으면 그때부턴 무뚝뚝하게!
@ 능력있는 남자들을 공적인 자리에서 남자친구에게 소개한다. 그래서 내 주변에 이런 능력남들이 많이 있다는걸 알려준다
@ 여자에게 잘하는 친구커플과 함께 만나는 자리를 자주 갖는다
@ 헤어지자는 말을 무기로 사용한다
@ 날 무시하지 못하게 영어, 한자등을 많이 섞어서 말한다

"밀고당기기" 아마 이게 연애인가 봅니다^^

2004년04월30일 01:54에 등록된 글입니다.
Posted by wizysl
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최근에 받은 트랙백

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