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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

Last updated on July, 29, 2005

Movie (Year) Gross
1 Titanic (1997) $1,835.4 m
2 The Return of the King (2003) $1,129.2 m
3 Harry Potter (2001) $975.8 m *
4 The Phantom Menace (1999) $925.6 m *
5 The Two Towers (2002) $924.7 m
6 Jurassic Park (1993) $920.1 m *
7 Shrek 2 (2004) $915.2 m
8 Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $869.8 m
9 Harry Potter 2 (2002) $866.4 m *
10 Finding Nemo (2003) $865.0 m
11 Independence Day (1996) $813.2 m *
12 Spider-Man (2002) $808.9 m *
13 Star Wars (1977) $798.0 m *
14 Revenge of the Sith (2005) $790.2 m *
15 Harry Potter 3 (2004) $789.5 m *
16 The Lion King (1994) $787.4 m *
17 Spider-Man 2 (2004) $783.6 m *
18 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $769.5 m *
19 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) $738.0 m *
20 Forrest Gump (1994) $679.7 m *
21 The Sixth Sense (1999) $672.8 m *
22 Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) $653.2 m
23 Attack of the Clones (2002) $649.7 m *
24 The Incredibles (2004) $629.6 m *
25 The Day After Tomorrow (2004) $628.7 m *
26 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) $614.4 m
27 The Passion of the Chirst (2004) $610.3 m *
28 Men In Black (1997) $587.8 m *
29 Return of the Jedi (1983) $572.9 m *
30 Mission: Impossible II (2000) $565.4 m *
31 Armageddon (1998) $554.6 m *
32 The Empire Strikes Back (1980) $538.2 m *
33 Home Alone (1990) $533.8 m *
34 Monsters Inc. (2001) $529.0 m *
35 Ghost (1990) $517.6 m *
36 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) $516.8 m *
37 Meet the Fockers (2004) $513.5 m
38 Aladdin (1992) $502.4 m *
39 War of the Worlds (2005) $498.3 m
40 Troy (2004) $497.4 m
41 Twister (1996) $495.9 m
42 Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (1989) $494.8 m *
43 Toy Story 2 (1999) $485.8 m *
44 Saving Private Ryan (1998) $485.1 m
45 Shrek (2001) $478.5 m *
46 Bruce Almighty (2003) $477.9 m
47 Jaws (1975) $471.8 m
48 Mission: Impossible (1996) $467.0 m *
49 Pretty Woman (1990) $463.4 m *
50 Gladiator (2000) $457.7 m *
* 표는 본 영화. 역시 스타워즈의 force가 대단하다.
흥행에 성공했다고 곧 좋은 영화라는 뜻은 절대 아니지만
흥미 위주로 입장료와 시간 아깝지 않은 영화라는 뜻은 될 것이다.

속눈썹맨 님의 블로그에서
Posted by wizysl
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