[book] the big idea
From the Pythagorean theorem to DNA's double helix, from the discovery of microscopic life-forms to the theory of relativity--the big ideas of science and technology shape an era's worldview. Open this book, grasp the newest ideas from thought leaders of today, then spring off from them to move back through the past, one big idea at a time. Meet the people who gave birth to these ideas--and those who fought against them. Meet the MIT electrical engineer currently developing a way to turn on the lights cordlessly, then move back through Nikola Tesla's visionary concept of the wireless transfer of energy, Thomas Edison's groundbreaking work in developing a nationwide electrical grid, Ben Franklin's experiments to capture electricity, all the way back to ancient Greece, where Thales of Miletus described static electricity as a property of naturally occurring amber.
Ingeniously organized and eminently browsable, this richly visual volume is divided into six big sections--medicine, transportation, communication, biology, chemistry, and the environment. Words and images that work together to explain such fascinating and elusive subjects as cloud computing, sunshields to cool the Earth, and self-driving cars. What did it take to get to these futuristic realities? Then, turn the page and follow a reverse-chronological illustrated time line of science and technology. This remarkable illustrated history tells the story of every Big Idea in our history, seen through the lens of where science is taking us today - and tomorrow.
With an irresistibly cutting-edge look and original illustrations created by award-winning Ashby Design, paired with the reliable authority and comprehensiveness that National Geographic's world history books always offer, this is a one-of-a-kind trip to the future and back through all time all in one.
Product Details
Media: Hardcover Book, 320 pages
Language: English
Publisher: National Geographic Society
Edition: Unknown
Publication Date: Sep. 6th, 2011
ISBN-13: 9781426208102
Dimensions: 9.54 x 11.12 x 1.16 inches Shipping Weight: 3.33 lbs
세상을 바꾸는
- 생각의 책
내셔널지오그래픽 (엮은이) | 유윤한 | 김소정 | 김은영 (옮긴이) | 티모시 페리스 (서문)
지식갤러리 | 2012-07-31
정가 58,000원
양장본 | 340쪽 | 280*220mm | 1775g |
ISBN(13) : 9788962604566
The Big Idea
서문 | 이 책에 대하여 | 이 책을 읽는 방법
CHAPTER 01 정보와 통신 증강 현실┃양자컴퓨팅┃클라우드컴퓨팅┃인공지능
CHAPTER 02 건강과 의학 재생의학┃유전의학┃나노의학┃대유행병 통제
CHAPTER 03 물리와 우주 양자중력이론┃양자정보┃소형 원자로┃지구와 닮은 행성의 발견
CHAPTER 04 화학과 물질 상온 초전도성┃분자 어셈블러┃녹색 화학┃프로그램 가능 물질
CHAPTER 05 생물과 환경 인공생물학┃후성유전학┃유전자변형생물┃지구공학
CHAPTER 06 교통과 우주 탐험 전기 차┃지능형 교통┃행성개조┃수중탐험
놀라운 생각들의 연대표 |
이 책을 집필한 사람들 | Illustrations Credits |
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