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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

Gainax의 OVA라면 한번쯤은 흥미를 가질 만 하다고 늘 생각해왔는데, 바다의 전사 나디아를 만들 1988-1989년에 만든 우주배경의 만화. 이런 만화는 늘 이차대전때 일본군 해군을 생각하게 하는 경향이 있어 조금 안타깝다. 최근 2편이 만들어졌길래 일편도 같이 관심을 가져본다.

Aim for the Top! Gunbuster (トップをねらえ!, Toppu O Nerae!?)

is a six episode anime OVA series created by Gainax in 1988. It was the directorial debut of Hideaki Anno, who is best known for his role as the director of Neon Genesis Evangelion.

The title is a combination of the titles of classic tennis anime Aim for the Ace! and the 1986 film Top Gun. To celebrate Gainax's 20th anniversary in 2004, an official sequel to Gunbuster, Diebuster (or Gunbuster 2), was released as an OVA. The series features new characters and mecha, but retains the format and many of the concepts of the original series.
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Posted by wizysl
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