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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

Diebuster, known in Japan as Aim for the Top 2! (トップをねらえ 2!, Toppu o Nerae Tsū!?) is a six episode anime Original Video Animation (OVA) series created by Gainax in 2004.

사용자 삽입 이미지

The first episode was aired on October 3, 2004, while the final episode was released on August 14, 2006. A movie, officially titled Top o Nerae 2! & Top o Nerae! Gattai Gekijouban retelling/recapping the end of the first Gunbuster OVA and the finale of Diebuster. It was scheduled to air on October 1, 2006 at the Tokyo Anime Center's 3D Akiba theatre.

Also called Gunbuster 2 by some Western fans, it is the direct sequel to Gunbuster, but is animated in a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio, rather than the 4:3 aspect ratio used in the majority of Gunbuster. It has been licensed for American release by Bandai Visual USA as Gunbuster 2. Additionally a manga adaptation of the series is available in Japan.

* 에피소드
  1. Please Let Me Call You Big Sister! (お姉さまと呼ばせてください!)
  2. Don't call me Big Sis! (お姉さまなんかになりたくない)
  3. I hate Topless! (トップレスなんて大嫌い)
  4. Resurrection! The Legendary Buster Machine! (復活!! 伝説のバスターマシン!)
  5. They who move the Stars (星を動かすもの)
  6. The Story of Your Life (あなたの人生の物語)


자세한 분석 페이지 - 애인구하는 공지도 챙겨 보세요^^

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Posted by wizysl
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