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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

이 스컬리가 그 스컬리?

존 스컬리(John Sculley)가 인도에서 obi 라는 저가 스마트폰 사업을 시작한다고 기사가 나오면서 함께 실린 사진. 내 눈에는 아직도 애플의 존 스컬리 얼굴과 다르게 보인다. 

펩시콜라에서 애플로 와서 스티브 잡스를 이사회에서 빼고 뉴튼이라는 메시지 패드를 개발했던 그가 저렇게 변했다?

나이가 들어 모습이 변하기는 해도... 2013년 2월 모습

윗 기사의 사진은 절대 아니라서, 구글을 뒤져보니 사진은 동명이인 존 스컬리(Scully 로 철자도 다름)인듯.

... John Scully, who is the vice chair of the board of directors of Stanford Hospital & Clinics, has served on the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Board of Directors and on the Stanford Board of Trustees (2000-2010), including four years as vice chair. Currently, Scully is a member of the Dean’s Executive Council for the Stanford Medical School development committee.

At the Graduate School of Business, Scully has served on the school’s advisory board and as a trustee with the Graduate School of Business Trust. He also chaired the committee that organized the celebration of the school’s 75th anniversary in 2000. In 2002, the school gave Scully its highest honor, the Ernest C. Arbuckle Award, which recognizes excellence in management leadership.Scully and his wife, Regina, have generously supported stem cell research at the School of Medicine and Stanford Hospital & Clinics.... (스탠포드 대학 뉴스 2013.4월)

... Mr. Scully is a graduate of Princeton University and the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is a director of Plum Creek Timber Company, ProQuest Company, and the privately held Hotel Equity Funds. He is a trustee of Stanford University, a director of the Stanford Management Company, a director of Stanford Hospital and Clinics, and a member of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Board. He is a former charter trustee of Princeton University. Mr. Scully is also chairman and founder of the Making Waves Educational Program, which services more than 450 inner-city youth and their families in the San Francisco Bay Area with an extensive program of after-school tutoring, mentoring and college guidance. (advent software 공시자료, 2003년 11월)


스탠포드 대학 소식, 2013년 4월. - 동명이인 존 스컬리 기사.


Posted by wizysl
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