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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

Gil Shaham (1971.2.19-) was born in Urbana, Illinois while his parents, Israeli scientists, were on an academic fellowship at the University of Illinois. His father Jacob Shaham was an astrophysicist, and his mother, Meira Diskin, was a cytogeneticist. His sister is the pianist Orli Shaham.

He is a graduate of the Horace Mann School in Riverdale, New York. The family returned to Jerusalem when Gil was two. At the age of seven, Shaham began taking violin lessons from Samuel Bernstein at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem. In 1980, when Shaham was nine years old, he played for Isaac Stern, Nathan Milstein and Henryk Szeryng, and attended the Aspen Music School in Colorado, studying with Dorothy DeLay and Jens Ellerman.

Shaham is married to the Australian-born violinist Adele Anthony. They have two children, Elijah and Ella Mei.


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Posted by wizysl
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