구글 이름으로 온 스팸
ysl* 컨텐츠/그한마디 / 2014. 5. 22. 04:11
스팸메일이 왔다. 구글이 내게 무슨 사연이 있겠나.. 했더니 역시 스팸.
| 3월 30일 | |||
Dear Google User,
You have been selected as a winner for using Google services. Find attached email with more details.
Matt Brittin.
CEO Google UK.
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You have been selected as a winner for using Google services. Find attached email with more details.
Matt Brittin.
CEO Google UK.
©2014 Google - Terms & Privacy
이번에는 래리 페이지가 내게 스팸 메일을 보냈다.
| 3월 27일 | |||
Good Day,
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you have won.
Larry Page
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
2014 Google Corporation.
Attached to this email is your winning notification for the prize you have won.
Larry Page
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
2014 Google Corporation.
'ysl* 컨텐츠 > 그한마디' 카테고리의 다른 글
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