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최근에 올라온 글

사용자 삽입 이미지

180  Wusidong Road, Baoding, Hebei, China
 zip 071002

하북대학은 하북성 유일의 중점 종합대학이다. 하북대학은 1921년 건설된 천진의 천주교회학교의 천진공상대학이 전신이다. 1960년에 종합대학으로 변경외었고 명칭도 하북대학이라고 바뀌었다. 하북대학엔 철학,경제학,교육학,역사학,이과,의학과 관리학등 10개의 큰 분류로 나뉘어져있고 20개학원,51개 본과등이 설치되어있다. 하북대학은 하북성 최대의 도서 박물관을 보유하고 있는 대학으로 차세대 중국지도자들의 요람이다. 하북대학은 10여개의 학술 단체가 있고 하북성 내의 대학에서 유일하게 출판사를 가지고 있다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Hebei University, is one of the top universities within Hebei Province. It is situated in Baoding, a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage in China, within easy access of Beijing. Hebei University was founded in Tianjin in 1921. Since its foundation, Hebei University has undergone successive changes in its name. It used to be Tianjin Industrial & Commercial Institute, it later became Jingu College, then Tianjin Normal School, and Tianjin Normal University for a while. In 1960, it was transformed in to a comprehensive university with its current name Hebei University. Then in 1970, it was moved to Baoding.
    As a comprehensive university, Hebei University offers a variety of courses covering a wide range of fields, including Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science and  Technology, Engineering,Medicine and Management. The 15 colleges offer 56 specialized undergraduate courses leading to bachelor's degrees. The university can also award master's  degrees in forty-four subjects and doctorates in six fields. Ten of our specialized subjects and two of our laboratories are at the provincial-appointed level. Chinese Language & Literature and  History are appointed as the bases for research and cultivation of talents in liberal parts by  the province. Currently the university has an enrollment of 17,862, including 845 graduates and  17,000 undergraduates and two-year students. 16,972 adult students and 46 international students are also studying at the university.
    Hebei University has assembled a teaching faculty well known for its intellectual vigor, among  which there are quite a few accomplished scholars and experts. There are 2,100 teaching and  administrative staff, of which nearly half are doing teaching and research work, including three  members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and 550 professors and associate professors.     Among them, professor Yin Xiangchu, a member of CAS, takes the lead in the systematic study of  the locust and his work entitled, ‘The Habitat of the Locust Order and a Bibiliography of  References’ is considered the most exclusive and systematic in this field. Prof. Song Daxiang,  who is renowned as an expert in the study of spiders in China and the author of ‘The Arachnids  of China’. He is acclaimed as the chief scholar in his field. Professor Wei Chunjiang, a  distinguished microbiologist, is considered to be the authority on the study of lichen by his  fellow scholars at home and abroad. In addition, the study of the Song Dynasty, headed by Prof.  Qi Xia, is among the best in China. Qi's work ‘The Economic History of the Song Dynasty’, lays  the cornerstone for the study of economy in ancient China. The study of the history of education  in foreign countries, led by Prof. Teng Dachun, has contributed enormously to works in this  field. Teng's book, ‘The History of Education in the United States’, is one of the most  important achievements in this field. In addition to these eminent scholars, the university also  boasts a staff of talented young teachers who are beginning to display their talents in their own  academic fields. They are the backbone of teaching and research.
    The University campus covers an area of over 700 acres. It is well equipped with first-class  facilities, notably in the areas of science and technology. The University library has a  collection of 2,770,000 books and 5,000 periodicals published at home and abroad. It has one of  the largest collections of rare books among the universities in China. The University museum  houses more than 8,000 historical relics over 70 of which enjoy the highest degree of national  protection. Furthermore, the museum also possesses some rare specimens of animals and plants. As  one of the first 100 universities and colleges which entered the Chinese Education and Research  Net (CERNET), [the net of Hebei University – HEBUNET] is on its way to rapid development. With  the support of the Municipal Party Committee and the local government of Baoding, Hebei  University launched ambitious plans for expansion. We have recently purchased a further 1,545  acres of land in Baoding and are about to invest RMB 800,000,000 to establish a new and  modernized campus in accordance with the modern theories of higher education. The plans for the  new campus have already been completed and the construction programs are under revision and will  be started within a few days.

사용자 삽입 이미지


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Posted by wizysl
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