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최근에 올라온 글

자유의 투사. 후리덤 파이터로 기억하는 F-5. 1960년대 노스롭 사에서 만든 초음속 전투기다. 알고보니 F-5A/B가 후리덤 파이터로 불리고, F-5E는 타이거 II라고 불린다.
30년된 대한민국 공군의 F-5E 가 서로 공중추돌하여 한대는 추락, 한대는 비상착륙했다고 한다.

F-5A and F-5B Freedom Fighter
F-5E and F-5F Tiger II

The F-5 started life as a privately-funded light fighter program by Northrop in the 1950s. The first generation F-5A Freedom Fighter entered service in the 1960s. Over 800 were produced through 1972 for U.S. allies during the Cold War. The USAF had no need for a light fighter, but it did need a supersonic trainer and procured about 1,200 of a derivative airframe for this purpose.

The improved second-generation F-5E Tiger II was also primarily used by American Cold War allies and, in limited quantities, served in US military aviation as a training and aggressor aircraft; Tiger II production amounted to 1,400 of all versions, with production ending in 1987.


'ysl* 하드웨어 > 밀리터리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by wizysl
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