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최근에 올라온 글

세스 고딘

ysl* 사람들 / 2006. 10. 1. 12:10

purple cow 이야기를 들어본 적 있는가?
마케팅이란 과연 무엇일까 하는 질문에 대한 대답은
다른 사람들이 하지 않은 것을 하면 된다는 것으로 집약된다.
다들 품질로 승부할때는 섹시한 컨셉 광고로 차별화하고,
모든 제품들이 광고에 돈을 쏟아부을때
광고를 하지 않기로 하여 차별화하라는 식이다.
그의 책을 읽으면 수다스럽지만 들으면 재미있는 이야기꾼과
같이 맥주 한잔을 마시는 기분이 든다.
그의 홈페이지 www.sethgodin.com 에 있는 그에대한 소개이다.


SETH GODIN is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change.
Godin is author of six books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work.
Permission Marketing was an Amazon.com Top 100 bestseller for a year, a Fortune Best Business Book and it spent four months on the Business Week bestseller list. It also appeared on the New York Times business book bestseller list.
Unleashing the Ideavirus is the most popular ebook ever written. More than 1,000,000 people downloaded the digital version of this book about how ideas spread. Featured in USA Today, The New York Times, The Industry Standard and Wired Online, Ideavirus hit #4 on the Amazon Japan bestseller list, and #5 in the USA.
The Big Red Fez, Godin's take on web design, was the #1 ebook (worldwide) on Amazon for almost a year before it was published in paperback in 2002. The Miami Herald called it one of the best business books of the year.
Survival is Not Enough has made bestseller lists in Germany, the UK and the United States. With a foreword by Charles Darwin, this breakthrough book redefines what change means to anyone who works for a living. Tom Peters called it a, "landmark." The book was first excerpted in Fast Company, where Godin is a contributing editor.
Purple Cow, was a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. It's all about how companies can transform themselves by becoming remarkable.
Free Prize Inside, was an Amazon Top 50 bestseller and a New York Times business bestseller. It describes how every single person in your organization is in the marketing department... and shows you how to make something happen.
Just out, All Marketers are Liars has already made the Amazon Top 100 and has inspired its own blog. Find out more at www.allmarketersareliars.com.
Seth is a renowned speaker as well. He was recently chosen as one of 21 Speakers for the Next Century by Successful Meetings and is consistently rated among the very best speakers by the audiences he addresses.
Seth was founder and CEO of Yoyodyne, the industryIs leading interactive direct marketing company, which Yahoo! acquired in late 1998.
He holds an MBA from Stanford, and was called "the Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age" by Business Week. [출처 - 세스고딘 홈페이지]

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Posted by wizysl
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