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최근에 올라온 글

어린이날 전날은 스타워즈 데이. 영어로 May the fourth ...  이기 때문이라는 유치한(?) 설명. May the force be with you.  라는 말을 77년에 처음 들었을 때, "할리우드에서도 무협지 좀 읽은 사람이 있군..." 하고 어린 마음에 생각했던 기억이 난다. 어쨌든 스타워즈는 2015년 12월에 다시 삼부작을 시작한다니 정말 대단하다.

아마존에서 스타워즈 타임라인을 만들어 주었다. 소설과 영화가 섞여 있다. 그때 난 어디서 무엇을 하고 있었나?

November 1976Star WarsStar Wars novel by George Lucas (later entitled A New Hope).

May 25, 1977Star WarsStar Wars (saga episode 4 of 6) film is released in theaters.

March 1978: Splinter of the Mind's EyeSplinter of the Mind's Eye novel by Alan Dean Foster.

March 1979: Han Solo at Stars' EndThe Han Solo Adventures novel series begins with Han Solo at Stars' End by Brian Daley.

April 1980: The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes Back novel by Donald F. Glut.

May 21, 1980: The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes Back (saga episode 5 of 6) film is released in theaters.

May 1983: Return of the JediReturn of the Jedi novel by James Kahn.

May 25, 1983: Return of the JediReturn of the Jedi ( saga episode 6 of 6) film is released in theaters.

June 1983: Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of SharuThe Lando Calrissian Adventures novel series begins with Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu by L. Neil Smith.

June 1991: Heir to the EmpireThe Thrawn Trilogy novel series begins with Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn.

The Thrawn Trilogy is widely regarded as the beginning of the new generation of Star Wars novels. To read more about the Star Wars galaxy and its Extended Universe (EU)

May 19, 1999: The Phantom MenaceThe Phantom Menace (Prequel Trilogy episode 1 of 3, saga episode 1 of 6) film is released in theaters.

May 16, 2002: Attack of the Clones The Attack of the Clones (Prequel Trilogy episode 2 of 3, saga episode 2 of 6) film is released in theaters.

May 19, 2005: Revenge of the SithRevenge of the Sith (Prequel Trilogy episode 3 of 3, saga episode 3 of 6) film is released in theaters.

October 3, 2008: Star Wars: Clones WarsThe Clone Wars The Grand Army of the Republic, led by Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and other Jedi Knights, fights the New Droid Army of the Separatists.

October 3, 2014: Star Wars Digital Movie CollectionRebels A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights.

December 2015: Force AwakensEpisode VII - The Force Awakens A continuation of the saga created by George Lucas set thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.


아마존 스타워즈 데이 광고


Posted by wizysl
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