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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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« » 2025.2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28


최근에 올라온 글

영국의 글로벌 대학평가기관 QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)와 영국 일간지 더 타임스(The Times)가 매년 실시하는 세계대학평가 결과가 발표되었습니다.

1     HARVARD University                                        United States
2     University of CAMBRIDGE                                United Kingdom
3     YALE University                                              United States
4     UCL (University College London)                      United Kingdom
5=   IMPERIAL College London                                United Kingdom
5=   University of OXFORD                                       United Kingdom
7     University of CHICAGO                                     United States
8     PRINCETON University                                     United States
9     Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M...       United States
10     California Institute of Technology (CALT...         United States
11     COLUMBIA University                                      United States
12     University of PENNSYLVANIA                           United States
13     JOHNS HOPKINS University                              United States
14     DUKE University                                              United States
15     CORNELL University                                        United States
16     STANFORD University                                      United States
17     AUSTRALIAN National University                       Australia
18     MCGILL University                                           Canada
19     University of MICHIGAN                                    United States
20=   University of EDINBURGH                                   United Kingdom
20=   ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of T...           Switzerland
22     University of TOKYO                                          Japan
23     KING'S College London                                     United Kingdom
24     University of HONG KONG                                  Hong Kong
25     KYOTO University                                              Japan
26     University of MANCHESTER                                United Kingdom
27     CARNEGIE MELLON University                           United States
28     Ecole normale supérieure, PARIS                      France
29     University of TORONTO                                      Canada
30     National University of Singapore (NUS)                 Singapore
31     BROWN University                                              United States
32=   University of California, Los Angeles (U...              United States
32=   NORTHWESTERN University                                United States
34     University of BRISTOL                                         United Kingdom
35     HONG KONG University of Science and Tech...     Hong Kong
36=    University of SYDNEY                                         Australia
36=    ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE                                   France
36=    University of MELBOURNE                                  Australia
39     University of California, BERKELEY                       United States
40     University of BRITISH COLUMBIA                          Canada
41     University of QUEENSLAND                                  Australia
42     Ecole Polytechnique Frale de LAUSA...                  Switzerland
43=    TRINITY College Dublin                                        Ireland
43=    OSAKA University                                                Japan
45     MONASH University                                             Australia
46     The CHINESE University of Hong Kong                   Hong kong
47=    SEOUL National University                                    Korea, South
47=    University of NEW SOUTH WALES                          Australia
49=    University of AMSTERDAM                                    Netherlands
49=    TSINGHUA University                                            China
Posted by wizysl
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