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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글


The reader shows text one page at a time as paper books do. eReader supports embedded hyperlinks and images. Additionally the Stanza application for the iPhone and iPod Touch can read both encrypted and unencrypted eReader files.

The company's web site - ereader.com offers a wide selection of eReader-formatted ebooks available for purchase and download, and also a few for free. The paid-for books are encrypted, with the key being the purchaser's full name and credit card number. This information is not stored in the ebook though. A one-way hash is used, so there no risk of the user's information being extracted.

The program supports features like bookmarks and footnotes, enabling the user to mark any page with a bookmark, and any part of the text with a footnote-like commentary. Footnotes can later be exported as a Memo document.

The company also offers two Windows/MacOS programs for producing ebooks: the free Dropbook, and the paid-for eBook Studio. Dropbook is simply a file-oriented PML-to-PDB converter, and eBook Studio incorporates a WYSIWYG editor. PML (Palm Markup Language) is basically text with embedded formatting tags, so feeding a pure text file into eBook Studio or Dropbook also works.

전자책을 찾다보니 단순히 텍스트 파일을 읽을 수도 있지만 e-book 양식으로 된 것도 있다. 영문판은 ereader.com에서 여러 운영체제나 기종(팜, 아이팟, 매킨토시 등)에서 볼 수 있는 리더 프로그램과 콘텐츠를 가지고 있다.

pdm 포맷이 사실은 palm digital media의 약자라니 일반 텍스트는 지원되지 않지만 dropbook 프로그램을 이용하여 텍스트 파일을 pdm 포맷으로 바꿀 수 있다.


영문 무료 콘텐츠가 많은 곳.

'ysl* 컨텐츠 > ysl*book or url' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by wizysl
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