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세상에 떠도는 수많은 느낌과 아이디어! 같은 느낌, 비슷한 생각.... 어때요? wizysl


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최근에 올라온 글

사용자 삽입 이미지

벤 메즈리치의 논픽션. 나중에 픽션 부분이 너무 많다는 지적이 되기도 했다.

The book's main character is Kevin Lewis, an MIT graduate who was invited to join the MIT Blackjack Team in 1993. Lewis was recruited by two of the team's top players, Jason Fisher and Andre Martinez. The team was financed by a colorful character named Micky Rosa, who had organized at least one other team to play the Vegas strip. This new team was the most profitable yet. Personality conflicts and card counting deterrent efforts at the casinos eventually ended this incarnation of the MIT Blackjack Team.


  1. ^ a b c d e Gonzalez, John (2008-03), “Ben Mezrich: Based on a True Story”, Boston magazine (Metrocorp, Inc.), <http://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/ben_mezrich_based_on_a_true_story/page1>. Retrieved on 6 May 2008 
  2. ^ Mezrich, Ben, Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions (New York: Free Press, 2002), p. iv.
  3. ^ Although the main characters upon which the film 21 is based were Asian-American, most of the cast was not. Kevin Der (2005-09-30). MIT Alumnus and ‘Busting Vegas’ Author Describe Experience of Beating the House. The Tech. Retrieved on 2008-03-29.
  4. ^ Mezrich, Ben (2002-09). Wired 10.09: Hacking Las Vegas. Retrieved on 2008-05-14.
  5. ^ Zhang, Jenny. "Card Counting Gig Nets Students Millions", The Tech, MIT Newspaper, 2002-10-25. Retrieved on 2008-05-14. 

Posted by wizysl
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