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최근에 올라온 글

2007년 대통령 선거를 앞두고 EBS는 가슴이 아팠나 보다.
현실이 이상과 다른 것을 어찌하랴?
모처럼 영국의  TV 정치 드라마 The Deal을 방송한다.
노동당의 토니 블레어가 수상이 되는 극적인 "블레어-브라운 딜"에 촛점을 맞춘 드라마이다.

directed by Stephen Frears
starring Michael Sheen as Tony Blair
David Morrissey as Gordon Brown.

The story, based on a book by James Naughtie, concentrates on the alleged 1994 meeting at the Granita restaurant in Islington where Blair is supposed to have convinced Brown to step aside as a contender for leader of the Labour Party (the Blair-Brown deal).

In minor roles it stars Paul Rhys as Peter Mandelson, Dexter Fletcher as Charlie Whelan and Matt Blair as Ed Balls.

The film was first broadcast on Channel 4 during the 2003 Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth. The film was commissioned originally by ITV but was passed to Channel 4. The Deal won the British Academy Television Award for best single drama.


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Posted by wizysl
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